Cosmic Journey Blends
These journey blends invite and deepen cosmic awareness. Explore the magical realms! Welcome our etheric friends, angels, spiritual guides, celestial beings and our own Divine inner knowing. The blends were infused in Boynton Canyon ~ Sedona, Arizona.
We invite you to smell the blends in this order:
Cosmic Safety
This euphoric blend creates a safe and nurturing sacred space while expanding into cosmic flow. Cosmic Safety inspires fluidity to journey between realms. As we shift between realms and expand into multiple dimensionality, we allow our body to gently move and trust.
Cosmic Embrace
This comforting blend opens our heart to take the next steps toward expanding into the etheric realms. It creates a nurturing sense of being held in the arms of the Beloved. This blend calms the mind and guides us into deep stillness as we rest into our essence. Cosmic Embrace integrates our experience with the first two blends.
Cosmic Connection
This protective blend serves as a strong guide by our side. This opens a safe, sacred space for cosmic journeying and brings us into the present moment. It prepares, clears and protects the space inside and out for Cosmic Connection. It broadcasts our positive and clear intention to make connection with the unseen realms.
Cosmic Bliss
This relaxing blend envelopes us in a soft and peaceful state often known as bliss. It melts stress and tension which allows us to slow down and trust as we connect more deeply with our Divine essence. Cosmic Bliss assists us in being more attuned to our inner guidance and brings more inner knowing.
Cosmic Play
This playful blend helps us let go, lighten up and experience cosmic giggles. Step thru this intergalactic gateway and portal of possibilities to remember who we truly are. Cosmic Play opens space to connect with our loving celestial guides and cosmic brothers and sisters. Let gratitude and joy guide the way.
Purchase the Cosmic Journey Series – 5 Blends $188 (1 ml ea)