Deep Empathic Listening to the Messages of Shame

Deep Empathic Listening to the Messages of Shame 

9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Investment: $40 

What is one of our biggest secrets? Shame.  This class is inspired by Dr. Brené Brown, who shares that we all have shame, and the less you want to talk about it the more likely it is you have it.  

Shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says shame is epidemic in our culture, and no one wants to talk about it. Her research reveals that shame is linked to suicide, addiction, depression, bullying, violence, and eating disorders. We live in a scarcity culture of never enough – not pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, or educated enough.

Silenced shame unravels connection, and deep empathy reconnects us with our courageous vulnerability.

  • Have you ever felt unworthy or not good enough?
  • Are you driven by perfectionism?
  • Is image or persona the director in your life?

If so, you can begin to uncover how shame might be affecting your life, learn what empathy is and what it is not, and cultivate love and connection with authenticity.

In this class, we will combine deep energetic empathy, essential oils, and Brain Gym® to support you to embrace more of your shame. This powerful and effective alchemy will support you in moving toward more well-being by helping you move out of habitual patterns of fight, flight, and freeze (stressed states) and into relief, relaxation and peace. All three modalities work with the limbic (emotional center) of the brain to create new neural pathways to support new possibilities in the ways you perceive your world and respond to it.

I consider shame one of the myths that is woven throughout the fabric of our planet. Playing small and shrinking does not serve us. Let’s join together and BE the Magnificent Light we came here to be!

Where: Our home on the lake
1620 Treasure Isle Rd., Hot Springs, AR

Please bring your lunch (there’s a short lunch time).
Healthy snacks are provided.

Click here to register.

If you have any questions, please call me at 501-767-8642

In joy and gratitude,

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