Welcome to Sacred Alchemy 2

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  • Reducing tension, stress and anxiety within minutes
  • Natural, Organic and effective products
  • Change made easy

Show up, Be your Trueself
and Get Real

Sacred Alchemy offers, pure, organic, high-quality, therapeutic essential oils.

Our Blends reduce emotional stress, anxiety and enhance well-being.

They support soul soothing personal transformation with each inhalation.

In the ease of a breathe, shifts happen, stress melts, and we feel uplifted and inspired.

Essential Oils are highly concentrated aromatic liquids obtained from plants. They have an innate wisdom and when inhaling therapeutic grade oils they can have a profound beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. Synthetic fragrance oils do not have this effect nor do they assist with alchemical re-balancing.

Our synergistic blends are multi layered. The oils themselves have intrinsic wisdom plus they offer special energies which have been infused. These include frequencies of exquisite gemstone “grids”, specific moon cycles, and sacred sites from around the world. We place a quartz crystal in each bottle to maintain the oil’s energetic resonance. All our blends are blended and bottled by hand with mindfulness and heart centered prayers in our energetically clear location.


  • Certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist (Indigo)
  • A Full Mesa Carrier with the Four Winds Peruvian Indigenous teachings
  • Skilled in Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication)
  • Honed clairvoyant gifts and intuition since childhood
  • Shares her passion of over forty years – working with subtle energy
  • Loves contributing authentically to others

Consider experiencing more joy, ease and harmony with this unique holistic approach to health and well-being. Private sessions are available in her home on the lake, skype or phone.

Kayse & Gary live, love, learn, laugh, grow and stretch as they create Sacred Alchemy in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Each attuning to their own unique gifts, they offer quality, transformational products and sessions with the intention of being in service.

They support sustainability by living simply.

All information presented on our website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health care practitioner.  Consult with a healthcare professional if you have or suspect you may have a health problem.

Energy Clearing Sessions  can support us in becoming more aware of who we truly are – our authentic self. Sometimes painful events from the past can bind us in habitual limiting patterns. If the events are repeated, it can result in traumatic imprints that are embedded with limiting beliefs and fears.  This can restrict a person’s ability to be present and live the life they love.

During a session, I hold the client in a empathic safe space and give empathy as this starts loosening the grip of the traumatic imprint. Bringing empathy to these imprints, beliefs and fears in combination with energy work can open a door into inner freedom. When receiving empathy, the brain grows new neurons and opens up new neuro-pathways, thus supporting new connections and new possibilities.

The bottom line is when unconscious trauma bound beliefs and fears are not brought into our awareness, they can unconsciously continue to impact our life. We can educate and change our relationship to these habitual patterns and triggers so we can respond from choice instead of react from the trigger. This increases our capacity for more inner freedom and peace which enhances our well-being. This is a powerful alchemy helps transform old worn out habitual patterns into a fresh, inspiring new aliveness. .



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